Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mad Billionare

Person: You know what Eric, pretty girls have it pretty hard, too.

Eric: ...Uhh, how?

Person: We intimidate most guys and we're left with only a few guys that chase after us, and some girls end up with crappy guys.

Eric: That's like a billionaire complaining he is rich and all girls want him for his money. Here's a thought. How about the pretty girls grow up and ask some 'intimidated' guys out? I'm pretty sure you girls are quite capable of seeing who would make a retarded boyfriend. You act like shit just happens to you and you're helpless. Wake up, and realize you can CHANGE SHIT if you GROW A PAIR. God gave you looks and you complain. You don't deserve those looks, sister.*

*I may not have said those actual words but that was what I was thinking.


  1. Many chicks don't want a nervous nelly too skittish to even ask us out. :P If a man can't handle something THAT simple, then how can they be expected to hold up in a real crisis? And one desires a partner, male or female, who holds up well in a crisis - if they're going to be present in your life for awhile. Bravery is key. No one wants to be strapped to some ninny.

    (OK, you're thinking - same goes for boys with chicks - why can't the GIRL be brave? She can, but men are generally more reluctant to commit & women *generally* prioritize commitment, and the first gesture of commitment is a man's willingness to commit to an admission of attraction, and a desire for closeness - as opposed to just mucking around & 'letting things happen' as they do, which is what kids are doing these days, I'm told...
    Also, girls often second-guess their significant other's level of commitment if he did not initially show an interest in her, because it is unlikely that a man will turn down a proposition from an attractive girl, regardless of their level of intellectual compatibility or his level of investment in her - whereas a woman usually processes these things within milliseconds of a man's first proposition, based on a biological imperative - she attempts to analyze whether or not he is mate material, above the short-term goal of procreation)

    But her argument is silly, and your response is hilarious.

  2. I think our minds are a bit partitioned. You can be the guy that wants to go into a fetal position when it comes to girls but be able to deal with situations that arise. Part of it being, if a crisis occurs, there is no choice but to deal with it. But to ask a girl out is strictly voluntary. And some people go through many loops to justify that they don't even want a girlfriend, or that the time isn't right or whatnot. I've seen people do it. Maybe they deceive themselves so well, they don't realize that's what they are doing.

    Human relations is an enigma to me, especially romantic ones. First I am told that girls want a nice guy because you know, girls be saying guys in high school are jerks and just want sex. Then I hear they don't want people to be clingy. Then I hear they want guys to go first so they can prove their commitment. It blows my mind. It's too complex, it's too illogical and emotional.

    I think it's treacherous to be utterly convinced of such generalizations though. People are all over the place in desires, beliefs, actions, whatnot. Many of them fits a type of outlook or belief system, but many of them simply don't make an ounce of sense. I for one reject anybody I'm not interested in regardless of their physical attractiveness; the MOST I'd do is to reject but offer to hang out; and if I like what I see, then we can go on from there.
