Monday, August 20, 2012

How DARE You Call Me Pretty!


The following messages will include a brutally, almost offensively honest truckload of truth.

Guys = cannot objectify women
Girls = Can talk about all the dirty things they want to do to David Beckham.

You know why females are trained to look nice? Because evolutionary it gets you a mate. That's the way it has been for countless years and continues to be a factor today. But how DARE guys find some females attractive! THEY MUST BE PIGS! That must mean you have sex with pigs then. Ew. So you walk out the door after putting up makeup and wearing those really hot short shorts for what? You come home to meet your loved one... in sweatpants. Face it. You want to look pretty. Consciously or not, you do it because you want the attention.

We live in an age, folks, where women wear shorter shorts than all the shorts made in history of mankind. Females are wearing tons of cleavage, and some of them are saying that it should have absolutely NO effect on anyone. That is quite retarded. God DAMN the guy that faps to a picture of a girl looking coyly at the camera with a truckload of cleavage on display! YOU ARE BEING A HYPOCRITE, SISTER.

In ye' olden days of the caveman and cavewoman, having a sub-par man rape a female is disaster; the female risks death... all for a man that has sub-par genes and may ditch her. This is why females subconsciously are wary of sub-par men giving sexual attention to them. But in order to attract the ideal man, she needs to look beautiful. It was the men that risked their lives to prove their awesomeness, and after that, having women like him is a good thing. Although, contrary to popular belief, we live in 2012 now. You're not really going to die if you have a baby. If a man makes sexually-suggestive comments, the guy is will be cited.

So back to the girl living in 2012 that wears the hot clothing outside. The girl wants the attention. Then they rationalize their wariness by saying men objectify women and are horrible. You know what, guys are human beings to. It's just, many of us are cool with it. So once again to the group of 'feminists' saying men have it all, YOU. SUCK. BALLS.

EVERYBODY JUDGES PEOPLE. EVERYBODY. If I wear the shitty shoes and the not-so-cool shirts and I have a pizza-face type of acne over, trust me, girls, you'd subconsciously (or even consciously, that's fine too) decide you don't really want to get to know me. They say a female judges a man based on the shoes that he wears. That sounds superficial. Because it is. In the cave-dwelling ages, you think the guys and girls have time to chat and socialize with every female and male to figure out which one had the best collective personality? NO, man. NO. A guy sees a very cute looking girl, and is intrigued and walks over to get to know her. THAT'S how it works.

You know why females earn less than males? Because the studies account for average wages. Men are wired to tolerate more risk. This means more fail like idiots trying to start a business, and a select few actually succeed. THAT'S WHY. Nobody is discriminating you. Hell, I know a few guys that WORSHIP females. Women that have no children have higher wages than men. Having a child is YOUR CHOICE, unless you were raped. Unless the average working-female who has a child got raped, something is clearly wrong here. Some feminists are all for 'independence from men and having to have children'. Well, guess what? Given time, a lot of you WANT men, a lot of you WANT children. Way to fight for nothing. Men are statistically more likely to take more risks, meaning more possible gain; they also statistically accept working further from home, more dangerous jobs, etc. (The dangerous jobs going back to risk tolerating.) THAT is why men make more money.

The feminists arguing and bickering and bitching over how UNFAIR life is are really the bane of society. How are we going to move forward with this crap?

...But you know what? MEN like WOMEN. MEN are sexually attracted to WOMEN. WOMEN like MEN. WOMEN are sexually attracted to MEN. (Not counting gays)

It's a funny thing, really. The video shows a tale of two female businesswomen in their 50's. They remember when they visited Italy the men were all coo-coo for them, and they were pissed off. Come age 50, they go back, they are STILL pissed. Because men didn't give two hoots about them.

I'd make my day if you watch the video. It's highly educational, but most importantly, it is a HOLY-MOTHER-OF-GOD-SHINING-BEACON-OF-TRUTH.

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