Friday, December 28, 2012

No, the World Isn't Turning Into Shit

Despite what the media tells you and what you have probably been lead to believe, no, the world isn't turning into shit. What does the news report? Shootings, economic problems, abductions, etc. Why? As Marilyn Manson said, it's a culture of fear and consumption. You have pimples? The girls are not going to fuck you. Oh look at what hurricane Sandy did to its victims! Buy our emergency radio! Face it: We want to be scared. The media reacts according to what we respond to, and we don't respond to happy things. I've heard a case of a company trying to do positive news - happy stories only. Nobody watched it. Crime is down, people. We live in a golden era of peace. Statistics don't lie.

The economy is bad? How about mentioning that we live better today than kings up until an eye-blink ago, did? Of course not. There are abductions and shit going on! Nope. Recently in the news, there has been a spike in shootings - a tragedy, to be sure, but also an exercise of stupidity. Because people die on our soil and they were children, it  a national tragedy. But if tons of men die out on the battlefield, it's a statistic and nobody really cares. Crime today is at an all-time low in recent history, and the crime in recent history has been the lowest in recorded history; and it's safe to assume that crime in recorded history is lower than in unrecorded history, before any real society was made.

There's this idea that the past was the best - and often, the idea is wrong. We often look at the past with rose-tinted glasses. The past was predictable. We like that. We were comfortable. Imagine if elders were sucked into an age of simulated shootings, and free sex and drug use. Imagine how shocked they would be. The idealized Victorian ettiquette was anything but. Females were more like extensions of the man; females were to be submissive, nice, kind, and ladylike. Failure to do that would result in being ostracized. It was forced politeness, not politeness out of respect. The idealized farm life of America? Complete bullshit. Life was extremely hard. That's why we moved to the cities in the first place. Oh, the irony! Don't like how animals are being pumped full of hormones? Cool, want to starve to death? If you're going to complain about animal treatement, you better not complain about food prices, because they are going to skyrocket.

Despite all of the wonders technology has given us for free, we think the world is going to hell. What is considered "good" must have a reference to compare to - and if our entire lives are lived in this amazing period of history where the combined human knowledge is accessible to anybody in the matter of 5 seconds, it's hard to be impressed and happy at anything.

The media is turning our kids into zombies! As Marilyn Manson said during the Clinton era - "The president dropped more bombs during the day of Columbine than any other day so far, yet I'm the bad guy because I sing a few rock-and-roll songs. Who do you think has more influence on children? I'd like to think me, but I'm going to go with the president." Somewhere, I think, there is a shift in blame, a reluctance to accept responsibility. Instead of parents being horrible parents, it's the media. No, it's NOT the media. You make the media. Video games were supposed to turn the next generation into murdering psychopaths. Before that, rock-n-roll and the sexual revolution. Before that, television and radio. It seems that every single generation is more doomed than the next. Yet this is far from the case.

The next generation will be smarter and more moral than us. There will be less crime, more techonology, more acceptance. We've nuked a huge chunk of racism, sexism, and slavery. Strides are made to chip away at homophobia. The future is in the future generations, and they will be infinitely more useful and valuable than us. Perhaps older generations have a hard time accepting that. The next generation will stand on our shoulders, from the work we've done to acheive greater things. Of this, I am actually optimistic, which is out-of-character for me.

Normality: Analysis on Crossdressing

What is normal?

Normal? What the fuck does normal even mean? Seriously, think about that. What is normal for you isn't normal for the majority of the world. So are you normal? I would define what is normal to be what is often done by other people. That basically means, normal is boring and it will stay boring. "Normal" does not indicate how rational or moral something is - slavery and homophobia were quite normal in the past.

Next point. To the people that talk about the "disgust" factor with gay people having sex... That's not an excuse to ban gay marriage. Two old, ugly, fat people having sex is even more repulsive to me. Do we ban ugly people from having sex?

Disgust is evolutionary.

Disgust. That's what it is. Disgust was also very important in our evolutionary history. If a member of the opposite sex is disgusting, you'll say YUCK, and not mate. It could be because they have an infection or a deformity. Another yuck would be having sex with your mother - that's not a good way to cause diversity in genetics. Just like most evolutionary traits, some take it too far; our society today is obsessed with cleaning themselves. People shower every day - a concept I have a hard time grasping. Hair was a good thing, now guys prefer girls shaved. But ANYWAYS, I'm here to talk about a specific disgust...

There are many social stigmas and whether we like it or not,.are real. Society acts accordingly, and many of us are affected by it. Take cross-dressing, for example.

A guy wears... panties for example. Panties are suppose to be for girls according to our culture. Ok, cool. Why? It's hard to tell how many people cross-dress, and there isn't any reliable data on this. But think about it. It's clothing. If clothing is weaved this way but not that way, it is acceptable for men to wear it. If it's made that way with that fabric, it's "completely sick and disgusting and repulsive" for a guy to wear it. Question the things your instincts tell you.

Why do guys like crossdressing?

Some may do it because of the comfort. Smooth is good, and women like like smooth undergarments or clothing. Men do, too. Some want to feel feminine. Wearing panties may calm a guy; he no longer has to struggle with his desires, and furthermore, he is put into a more submissive mindset - it's nice to not have to be so man-vs-man dominant when one is home. It gets a man in touch with his feminine side. All people have it, and men who disagree are simply insecure about their masculinity.

"As a woman it's taken me a while to get my head around this fact. After all, being a woman isn't nearly as super as it looks on television. There are the mood swings, the cramps, the monthly onslaught of agony you're supposed to grin and grit through in site of the fact that your insides are melting. (Seriously, who the hell thought that up? The result of design by committee I would guess.)
But to the casual male observer, being female probably appears to be a sweet deal. Women have it easy. They are pretty creatures that flit about being charming and having doors opened for them. They look nice, they smell nice, they smile and giggle their way through life in a way that a man could never hope to.
If you have that sort of outlook on what being a woman is like, there's no wonder that pretending to be a woman would be a great escape from the mundane masculinity of the every day world where you're supposed to lift the heavy thing and happily get shot if push comes to shove.There's nothing wrong with playing dress ups, and there's nothing wrong with playing pretend. They often tell children that imagination is their greatest gift, but I would argue that imagination can be an adult's best friend too."

For other people, panties resemble a person. After all, the panties hug the intimate areas of a woman, and the scent rubs off on it.

"Panties are the item closest to a woman's body. They hold all the scent that makes a woman a woman. Every woman has her favorite pair. Every day they are discarded, dirty, into the hamper. They are seldom handled by anyone other than the woman who owns them. And panties are one of the most intimate items a woman owns. To have a woman's panties is like having a little piece of her."

A man may smell it, as there may be an evolutionary reason to. (Females can smell the similarity of immune systems from a man's armpits.) But for sexual arousal, this is a decent reason too. It hugs the naughty areas.It could be pheromones, but I'm not sure.In some areas of the world, men buy used panties. Still more men, like to crossdress because of the fabrics. Men's undergarments tend to be cotton only, and extremely one-dimentional.

Finally, there is the fact that it is taboo is many societies today. Some men want what they can't have. Transvestic fetishism occurs in some people, and only occurs in straight males. In this case, the person may have liked crossdressing as a kid.

Crossdressing is Just as "Natural".

Why isn't is natural for guys to wear panties?

Of course, the irony is history of clothes changing "genders". Thongs were originally male clothing exclusively, as were silk as a fabric. Pink was once considered a masculine shade of red as recently as a century ago. Yet somehow, for a guy wearing clothing that reflects waves on the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum we detect in our brains as "pink", we question the sexual preference and sanity of the person wearing the clothing. Score 1 for social conditioning! What counts as feminine clothing is totally arbitrary. Then, can you say, as a moral being, that you should judge people based on these totally arbitrary criteria? NO. I mean, how shallow ARE we?

Because society shuns this behaviour, it turns into a fetish. And why is fetish a dirty word? Fetishes are very, very common. So what if you like leather, or make up scenarios with your boyfriend as foreplay? You're not hurting anybody. Is a crossdresser hurting himself? No. There's no deceiving or false beliefs going on here. Whether wearing a dress is good or not is subjective, not objective. Religion makes factual claims - this is a claim about preference.

"These people lack the empathy to imagine themselves as they would be if their lives had been different. They seem to believe that, had they grown up in a dung hut in Africa, they would have naturally adopted a Western gender appropriate style of dress (without ever having seen it,) worshiped the Christian God they would have never heard of, and followed the model of the one man, one woman nuclear family, in spite of that being rare among many African tribes.
If you honestly believe that the culture and customs you grew up with have some divine moral backing, you're an idiot. Seriously and unequivocally. If you believe the styles of dress which are currently common amongst the people of your local geographic area in this particular era are somehow more moral and proper than any other form of clothing one's body, then I actually wonder how you manage to get through the day without swallowing your own tongue."

If a guy gets boner in lace, let him be! The brain releases chemicals that make one euphoric, etc, etc. It's hard-wired. It's just like judging gay people. Quit it! A guy doesn't choose to be aroused by something any more than a guy chooses to be aroused by other guys. But because gays are actively pushing their rights and have the favor of the media (compared to crossdressers), being gay is more acceptable than crossdressing. Being gay is more acceptable than being transgendered. Employers can discriminate against trans-gendered or crossdressing people.

Normal is Arbitrary.

So, back to normal. If normal is totally arbitrary, then maybe YOU'RE not the normal one. Who even said clothing was NORMAL? Were we designed by evolution to have clothing? No. So, none of this is natural, all of it is arbitrary, and yet some people still harshly judge others. And it can be down to people judging other people's preference; this music is shit, mines is THE shit, etc. But there's more to it this time than just preferences. It's taboo to wear women's clothing as a guy. In 2012, where great strides are being made to open up our minds about homosexuality, I think, we are rational enough to sit down as adults and seriouslly discuss cross-dressing. And no, parents. Don't "fix" your child and convince them to wear clothes of their gender. They get to decide what they put on their bodies and what they like. When you dictate preferences, you're over-stepping your boundaries. You're a guide, not a dictator. Besides, there's nothing TO fix. That would just lead to the person taking their desires underground, which may or may not instill guilt, which is a horrible thing to do to somebody that has done nothing wrong.

"Fashion is always changing and morphing. People who think that 'mens' or 'womens' fashion exist in terms of right or wrong simply don't understand fashion at all. They're living in the bubble of the world as it is at this exact point in time and they have little to no understanding of history."

Crossdressing: Opportunity to Discriminate

The vast majority are actually straight, and according to the DSM, transvestic fetishism is exclusively observed in straight males.It's just another fetish. Come to think of it, it shouldn't really even be a fetish. Female clothing is designed to be attractive to men, so it's not a stretch to see guys wanting to wear what they find attractive. The fabric is soft, many guys like that (guys AND girls), so it's not strange at all for a guy to find the feel of panties or whatnot to be very appealing. I'm a straight guy.  I can say I like touching an attractive female. How far removed is that from a straight guy liking the feeling of some panties? Not very. It's also worth noting that not all men that wear panties wear dresses or want to proceed to handbags and lipstick. Do not try to put people into neat little boxes. A panty-wearer isn't the same as a transgendered person or a transgendered-wannabe. Approaching this issue by making broad, sweeping generalizations seems ok to do for many, but if this were the issue of race, you would be many times more cautious.

I would say that men that are scared of wearing pink or some panties are the ones that are not masculine enough. How manly can you be if soft clothing gives you the butterflies? If you're so confident about your masculinity, what's wrong with trying something? If you think wearing feminine clothes strips you of your masculinity, consider revisitng how masculine you are in the first place, and how secure you are in yourself. How many guys have thought about wearing panties or smelling them? How many guys like them? To ridicule others for thinking the same is hypocritical.

"Men wearing lingerie pushes our ideas of masculinity, and challenges the inbuilt social programming which we are subjected to from an early age. This is not always pleasant, and many people will reject the idea, calling it gross, and even 'wrong'. If they took the time to think about it in a more abstract sense, they might be surprised at the vehemence they reacted with. If we'd been raised from babies to believe that men wore skirts and women wore slacks and that lacy panties were for boys, would we then be disgusted to see a man in a pair of y-fronts? Probably.
The choice then is do we see beyond the artificial constructs which frame society, forcing us all into little boxes denoted by dress, accessories, and toys, or do we look beyond those things to the things that matter, kindness, humanity, love, acceptance, tolerance."

It makes no sense that females get to crossdress, but men don't. It's gender discrimination. First, we need acceptance. Under extreme awkwardness and discomfort, it's easy for people to say and do very discriminatory things and get away with it. Men are more scared of coming off as non-masculine than the exact reverse. By making fun of crossdressers, they feel that they regain their masculinity. All that is justification for cruelty and immorality. 

Since the feminist movement took hold, we've come to accept women demonstrating traditionally masculine qualities like aggression, both mental aggression in the corporate arena and physical aggression on the battlefield. Yet the male expression of feminine traits is still taboo. So taboo that the merest hint of a man embracing a feminine side is often derided by men and even by some women who would be outraged if it were suggested that they were less than feminine for doing 'masculine' things like working outside the home or wearing pants.

But no, one has to be realistic. We live in a society, that even in this day and age, questions and scoffs at cross-dressers. They have to be in the closet. Society isn't at the level of sanity in which we can accept people for who they are. The irony is, crossdressing is more common than people assume. Because crossdressers often don't admit it themselves, they have a hard time finding other crossdressers, so they all assume they are one in a million. I've met and read about girls that worked at female clothing shops - they all say that guys buying panties is more common than you may think. To them, it's mundane.

Frankly, I consider gender as an artificial social construct. Gender is different from sex; sex is your physiology. Gender is the way you act. To act 'feminine' is to put people into boxes, and stifle self-expression as a result.

Merits of Dating a Crossdresser

A guy that crossdresses already has questioned his activities and had to analyze it. He's realized what he wants is more important than playing along with stupid genders (not the same as sex), which are artificial constructs. For him to reveal to you that he crossdresses, he has the confidence and the honesty level of a saint. We all have aspects of ourselves we would rather hide. This guy has the balls to tell you. He'll be able to hold any secrets you may have. He trusts you. He's also more likely to accept any fetish(es) or fantasy/fantasies  you may have. That leads to him being more open-minded as an individual. The man that wear panties won't be so hung up on being so extremely manly to the point that he cannot relate to any of your issues. He's also less likely to stuff the girl in a box labeled "girly" and force you to be girly 24/7. He'll be able to share any secret with you and connect because crossdressing is a huge secret for many men. Because he shops for lingerie, he can buy some killer lingerie for you, and in the right size! Hell, he'll actually notice and appreciate the extra set of special pantie/bra you have on tonight for him! Shopping with a crossdresser is more fun as many guys will simply feel uncomfortable and walk away instead of buying the intimate wear with you, which if you think about it, should be how it goes seeing as how intimate wear affects the entire couple. He won't put your lingerie in the washing machine without putting the proper care. He appreciates lingerie, so he might appreciate the finer things in life (do you want your undergarments in cotton, cotton, or cotton?!) ; he's also likely to be a more sensual lover, and less likely to be a "bam bam, orgasm, thanks, bye" type of guy. Foreplay, people. Foreplay. He'll be willing to take it slower to pleasure you better. A man wearing lingerie is very soft and slidy... which may translate to fun times on the bed. At the risk of over-reaching and seeing things that are not there, every single comment on a blog I read about crossdressing are written in correct English, none of this 'omg lol dats gay' type. The crossdresser mindset may have tendencies torwards some things, some of which are not directly related to fashion.

If a female dumps a guy for wearing panties, the female is close-minded, intolerant, and stupid. She buys into and worships the western, 2012 notions of what a man must be. She wants you for masculinity, not because you are who you are. The clothes you wear outweigh what you do. People are so eager to judge, to call others are weird when they don't conform, and to establish their superiority in taste. By disliking crossdressers, you have become yet another conformer, yet another brainless zombie.

Social Conditioning

What is the extent of social conditioning on males and females? Frankly, I don't have the answer. I don't know how much our genetics affects us in comparison... It drives me nuts though, how judgemental and close-minded people can be when they are products of society and genetics. Those that deviate from the "normal" are ostracized and forced to conform. As a kid, guys that cried are sissies. Girls were allowed to cry. Guys were given trucks, girls were given dolls. Because guys are guys, they are allowed to love their cars almost as much as they love their wives; because women are women, they are allowed to love chocolate as much as they love their husbands. But guys are not allowed to like lingerie. In this day and age, women have the power that men don't have in fashion. The very same women that are so feminist, so about rights (women's rights, not men's), would be yelling at their boyfriends for wearing panties while she herself is wearing jeans. But to even say one can be "too feminine" is to put our behaviour into boxes of "men" and "women", which by itself is limiting and sexist. How ironic that in USA, where we idolize freedom, men live in fear of being found out about! Hell, even Jesus wore a dress!

‎"The freedom which we're all such big fans of evaporates when our preconceived notions are challenged" - Hope Alexander

None of us are one thing. Even the most macho man is occasionally soft, and even the most frailest of women is sometimes amazingle strong. To be one thing is to be one dimensional and boring.

Please, for the love of god, just be more accepting.

Hope Alexander's Message to Those That Want to Start Crossdressing

"Sometimes when we want something that isn't supported by the general media and those around us, we think that there must be something inherently wrong with us. Of course, if we stop to think about things for a few moments, we can soon realize that this is not the case.
If you spend a few hours watching TV, you'll come away with messages like
It's okay for men to sleep around, it's what they do. It's okay for men to be violent, as long as they're beating up the 'bad guy'. No matter how overweight the man is, his partner must be svelte and blonde. (Just my personal tv bugbear there, what on earth is up with that? For some reason when they put sitcoms together it's completely believable that a guy on an average income who hasn't seen his toes in a decade would be married to a woman who looks like she starts each day with a handful of diet pills and a colonic.) Men don't cry. Men are always masculine and manly. They can put up shelves just by looking at them, and not only will they not ask for directions, a real man will wait for nightfall and navigate by the stars.
Men are bombarded with ridiculous masculine stereotypes to the point where they feel guilty if they don't meet them. Women get a little more of a free ride mostly because we've been screaming about equality for the past several decades. We can wear menswear without fear of being called a lesbian, in fact, more often than not, it is regarded as being kind of cute.
Men might not be ready to fight for their own brand of equality yet, but that doesn't mean that its wrong for a man to wear panties or any other item of clothing he feels like putting on. Logically you may know this, but if you're struggling with guilt, it may be time to start living it as a truth. Put those panties on. Notice how you don't immediately become gay. Notice how you are no less of a man. Notice the relief you feel when you work with your own nature instead of fighting against it.

We're so flooded with “supposed to's” and “should do's” that we forget very early on that in all likelihood this is the one life time we will have. Even if you believe that we have more, this is the only lifetime we will have in this condition. To spend it fighting one's own nature is not only futile, but a tragic waste of the precious moments we have on this earth.

And the funny thing? When we finally stop fighting. When we finally accept those parts of ourselves we never wanted to be true, that is when we become free of them. Free to indulge in them, or free to let them go. Free to be whatever we want to be. 

Don't work on denying the parts of yourself that do not fit with whatever image your particular society has pressed upon you. Celebrate those parts, for those are the parts that will ultimately free you. Those are the gifts you were born to express. 

Live free and happy. There is nothing wrong with you or your desires. 
It is okay to be you."

"Be open minded, but not so open-minded, your brain falls out!"

Thank you, Hope Alexander for your articles which I've freely quoted.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

15 Reasons Why Society Amuses Me

1. Sue when medicine wasn't tested rigorously enough through FDA, and not care about any evidence for alternative medicines' effectiveness.

2. Why does society judge people based on the undergarments they wear? If a piece of fabric is arranged in this manner, it is perverse for a guy to wear it. I find it pretty hilarious people judge people based on the fabric of their undergarments. Like, how shallow ARE we? It's just fucking cloth!

3. Religious people still exist, and people still believe the world is 6000 years old. We can land on the moon, but we can't all agree on a religion.

4. Girls post half-naked pictures of themselves on Facebook, and don't stop to think about what guys end up doing to those pictures. Either they didn't use their heads, or they want attention.

5. After all the make-up, nice fashion, etc, everything girls subconciously do to attract males, if sexual attention is given from an attractive male, it's hot. If it's from an unattractive male, it's fucking creepy, the guy is a fucking pedophile that eats kids, and probably wants to rape you.

6. Everybody older than me is practically dead and anybody younger than me don't know jackshit.

7. Nobody, I mean, NOBODY, recognizes why they act. They don't realize they are a fucking zombie from the culture they grew up in and are currently surrounded in. Everybody thinks they are themselves and don't always follow the norm. Nobody realizes we are animals, all of our wants comes from evolution, to survive and reproduce.

8. Some people still think that if a coin has been heads the past 10 times, it means there is a very high chance it being tails next time.

9. 80% of people think they are above average.

10. Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die.

11. Reproduction is natural, but a naked human body (they way we were evolved to be) is somehow more offensive than lopping somebody's head off in a video game.

12. Everybody is horny, but some don't want to admit they masturbate, and even more reluctantly or do not talk about sex. Nobody discusses the best feeling in the world. Ain't that weird?

13. Nobody is happy, but everybody thinks everybody ELSE is happy.

14. Neo-Nazi Newspaper = 1st amendment right. Say "fuck" over radio, get fined.

15. People want more and more and more money, but that isn't what leads to happiness.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Behavior: Evolution, and Deconstructing Trust

Evolution is real. But that's not the topic of this entry. It affects us as human beings. Our actions are, for a very large part, due to our evolution, which drives our genes.

They have larger head to body ratio. Symmetrical faces. Etc. That makes them "cute" because it resembled a human baby. Gotta love how evolutionary traits end up applying to somethings decidedly non-evolutionary in nature. We domesticate wolves into little barkers. We dress them up and in extreme cases even take them to competitions, where they become an extension of a person's status, not even a lovable pet anymore. Pet industry is a multi-billion dollar industry.

Facebook is big. It taps into our need to socialize. Most people on the planet at social people.  Even the not-as-social people can talk on Facebook without the intimidation of real-life social encounters. Facebook has more users than America has people.

Worse out of all of them: Billions of people fall victim to this, a simple byproduct of our need to observe patterns. That is a tool for survival in ye' old days. Suppose there are two types of possible errors in pattern seeking.

Type 1 - See false positive
Type 2 - Don't see any pattern even if there is one

You're walking along the African land, and you hear a rustle. Type 1 error - if it was a false positive, no enemies, all you did was waste 5 seconds of your time. Type 2, you're probably dead.

"Be Yourself"

How are you going to do that when clearly you are the product of  millions of  years of evolution? Forget that. What you do, how do you, what you like are all consequences of your surroundings. While a smile is universally recognized, what is "disgusting" as food isn't always agreed upon. For example: Eggs. Who came up with the idea of eating reproductive products from chickens? Or drinking the milk of a cow. WTF? How about, eating spiders or frogs? Quite liked in some places.

Try as you might to "be yourself", you can't. Hell, you're always yourself. But don't act like you have total control over what you like and don't like. You have a sex drive? That's what I thought.

On the flip side, a few things we think are natural and considered as old and good values are... not so old.

Guys are hard-wired to fuck as many girls as they can, to spread on their genes.

Family Values:
The idea of a mother and father, the "traditional" mother staying home, dad working, is relatively new. For USA people, this is mostly from 20th century after the World Wars.

What about socializing? Not everybody is an extrovert. Yeah. We need some diversity. But today, parents act like a social kid is a healthy kid. And introverted kid is... not normal.First, let's differentiate between introverts and shy people. Introverts prefer less stimulation. Shy people avoid social situations out of fear. What do we do to kids when young? Expose them to endless stimulation. The kid that doesn't talk is worried about.

Yet, we need introverted people. Those are the ones that think quietly and get revelations. Did Newton invent Calculus after chatting with people from Facebook? No. He went into isolation.

Yet, we are victims. We follow the one with the most charisma, not always the one with the best ideas.ial people tend to have their vision already set out, and might not be as willing to change their vision in accordance to the suggestions given.
Western society prefers the man of action rather than the man of contemplation. Self help books used to be 'character, the most important thing'. Now they are 'how to get most friends and manipulate people'.

Ever had a friend that is a screwup in their life yet you trust them? Yet you could have another person that always does that they've said they would so far, and not trust them. What we need are common beliefs. When we meet people that believe what we believe, we are more willing to experiement and gone where nobody has before, because the people we trust will protect us if needed. Our survival depends on it.

You can't fight a tiger alone. You need a group you trust. The goal isn't to fix your weakness, it is to amplify your strengths so people can do what you can't do. But it's not based on skills and the application of those skills, it's what you believe. Common values.

Say you're from LA and you go to New York. Everything is new and foreign. You hear a guy talk with LA accent. Your turn around, find out you are both from LA. BOOM. You're both friends. Say you meet the same guy from LA. Would you be friends? Hell no.

Hell, your in the French metro. You hear English. Turn around. Ask him where he's from. New York. HEY! I'm from LA! And you're best friends. You're not even from the same state. Are you friends with all the people in New York?
When you are in an unfamiliar enviroemnt, who have different values, you look for those who may share some of your values, and you start to form a bond because they understand your background.

It's not specific differences in opinion. That's diversity and advantages to problem solving. But we both understand our childhoods, we had the same type of issues. There was once a show, Deadliest Catch, or fishermen because it was a very dangerous job. Two boats. Camera caught a random boat from a competing company. Waves came over, a guy fell over. The fishermen on this boat got out, saved that guy. Why? They are not on the same team. Because at the end of the day, they are all fishermen. They understand tyhe risks and they all took it. They have similar values. They might not have the same religious views or particular pokitical views. But they are all fishermen.

If you're on the French Metro again, the guy from New York says 'You gotta try this one restaraunt here..." you're gonna trust him and go. If you're in LA, some random guy tells you to go to this one restaraunt, you're going to think he's a crackpot. The information given presented about either resaraunt is the same. That's the thing: With trust, you don't "NEED" all the information.

Finding who to trust was important to our survival. We know how to do it. You can go outside to look for people you like and trust. You're going to instinctively talk to them. Either you will have a "good" opinion or you won't. It may take a little while, or a long while. But we know how to do it. It's called making friends. You're the only one that had the gut feeling. Every single thing a person does or says is a symbol of who they are, and we look for those symbols to find those who believe what we believe. Our survival depends on it.

So Tiger Woods. He lied. He told us what he wanted us to hear. He broke our trust. He could've said he liked fucking random chicks from day one, and it wouldn't have been bad at all. But he lies. He seemingly had one set of values, and changed them. Good luck getting trust from people again.

People to do what they believe, not what they think other people want them to believe. If you ask your friends, how do you want me to act and dress so you'll like me more, they'll think you're crazy. Just BE YOURSELF. That's why I like you. I like YOUR values. Change your values based on what others want... the word there is 'inauthentic'. Fake. Untrustworthy.

Apple. Under the leadership of Jobs, Apple rose to new heights. Did Apple ask what you want? No. They told you what you wanted. Those who believe in Apple's vision bought Apple's products and spreaded their recommendation. The values are consistent,.

It's equally as ridiculous for a company to ask how they should run their business. Do what you believe. Companies should hire those who believe what they believe. What you push out should show who you are.

Do people get tattoos of Harley's because it looks cool? No, it's a symbol of who they are. Ever seen a person put a sticker of the Apple logo of their Mac? Ever even seen a dirty Mac? NO. Those objects mean more than just the object. It's a statement of who you are.

Why are people not happy in their jobs? It's not the pay or their benefits. There are rich, sad people. It's because nobody helps others anymore. When you donate money to a poor guy, you feel good. You're not donating. Your buying that feeling. It's a transaction.

True generosity requires doing something for others, expecting NOTHING in return. Short of that is MANIPULATION.
I did something for him, why won't he do something for me? It's not an equation. It's nature. It feels good. We do it. When we are surrounds by those we trust and hae common values with, our species go up in progress.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Body Image, Hot vs Beautiful

First, about Hot vs Beautiful:

Guys are not as adept at verbal things. Even more people, across genders, do not bother nor care to analyze social phenomenon. For me, some of these words have subtle differences in meanings.

Hot - You're physically attractive. The opposite gender would have sex with you and probably hit on you. For some more jerk-ish guys, you're a  good target for a one-night stand. Not to say that the world "hot" means that you're easy and slutty. But when it comes from one of those types of guys, it's what they are thinking about. Hot is physical.

Sexy - Basically hot. You could have a sexy manner though, the way you carry yourself/seduce a person.

Beautiful - This has a certain aspect of elegance attached to it. It's less 'have sex with that girl'. It could mean something deeper. But on the most shallow level, it is admiring a person. It could be purely physical, but that does not detract from the emotions felt. It can be both physical and mental, in which case it's more well-rounded.

Assume guy likes a girl.
If a guy simply calls a girl hot, there is a higher chance that he'd simply get over her in a little bit.

If a guy calls a girl beautiful, it is possible that...
The girl has captured the guy's heart and took his breath away. The guy feels the girl is the most beautiful girl in the world. (Brought to you by evolution, by the way.)

As a girl friend who she thinks is the hottest girl in the room and you may lose standing with the girl. Ask a girl who she thinks is the most beautiful, she'd pick a girl, if that girl is in the room. The girl can admire that other girl while being a straight girl.

There is can be more respect for a girl who is beautiful. A few guys actually have a hard time pleasuring them self to the image of the girl in question, because it almost 'dirties' up her image. There could be an element of innocence attached. Of elegance. Of 'inner beauty'. Valid or not, that's definitely a possibility of the implied meaning of the word when used in the correct context.

Gorgeous - You look incredible, I'm blown away. I've never seen a guy use this word on a girl the guy never calls beautiful and only calls hot. Therefore, this isn't in the same league as 'hot'.

Pretty - You look pleasant.

Cute - Pretty. Could also infer something about the girl's character, though, "Cute behavior".. Nobody says "pretty behavior".

Body Image
Being a guy, I have more guy friends than girl friends. That's just how it is. Because of this, I may know more about the guy's body image problems. But let's start with the female.

-Breast Size

We've heard of the guys drooling over some busty girl. Do guys really like big breasts? Some do, some don't, I don't. (Watch it get loose and saggy in the future!) I don't think breasts can be fully equated as the same situation as penis size. Breasts don't pleasure the guy directly. Their size has no utility in sex. Yes, the correct size may arouse the guy, but that doesn't equate to 'the bigger, the better'. So girls, quit worrying about breast size. And don't get fake boobs. The men that would take fake boobs rather than the real thing have issues.

-Not thing enough

Just saying, being unhealthy and eating nothing makes you look malnutritioned. And that puts up a red flag to guys because it is an evolutionary warning sign. There's a threshold of being too thin, as well.


Not as common. But I do notice that a majority of guys prefer shorter girls. Girls tend to be shorter. But I disagree. 5 feet 4 isn't good for me, I'd prefer somebody my height. With every trait, there is guy that hates and a guy that loves it.

Now for the guys...

-Penis Size
Anything under 3.5 inches is bad. Under 3 is really bad. The average is 5-6 inches. Many guys watch porn, see some dude with oversized penis and figures that his penis is small. Also, looking down on your dick form the perspective of your head position, your dick looks smaller than it really is. Also, dick size isn't THAT important, especially when clitoral orgasms are way more common. A good vibrator will work well, but a hand will work nicely as well. (Or a tongue. Whatever floats your boat.) AND, even with vaginal sex, it's penis circumference. that matters. I'm not claiming to be a sex expert, but this is what I've picked up upon from research.

For both genders, the clothes you wear is important. Yeah, everyone loves the idea of loving somebody for their personality, but that is a load of bullshit. We are evolutionary products. We see the secondary sexual characteristics of the opposite sex and judge subconsciously, their fertility. So, wear bad clothes. Girls or guys won't like you. Got acne? Minus points. Etc.

Hell, for the guys that idealize a girl as an innocent, sweet, beautiful girl, the reality here is they are just as horny as you are. If we are back in the stone ages, she'd basically long to get laid over and over. Every time you want to eat, drink  sleep, have sex, you are completely dominated by your primal instincts. It's evolution taking over.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Gay Marriage

Gay marriage. My opinions have been formed by these videos:

And the idea that it isn't natural... it's not natural to wear clothes, eat chicken mcnuggets, or play video games.
I know it's lazy to put up 3 videos and call it a day (or an entry), but these guys explain it quite well. As with all of my entries, I welcome anybody to challenge my current views.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Superstition, Faith, Human Fallacy, Taboos

First, superstition Religion is a superstition. It is full of beliefs and dogma without real evidence. The denial of that is to some point, a mental illness. What other superstitions are there? Astrology, for example. It's the idea that the planetary movements of planets in the solar system affects your life. Just like religion, it is incredibly egocentric; who do you think YOU are? The universe doesn't care about YOU. You're just a very small spec on a spec of dust called earth. (Religion: God listens to me and actually gives a rat's ass about who I have sex with!) There's no serious reason or evidence to believe in astrology, just like religion. Go watch Penn&Teller's bullshit series, they debunk many superstitions.

Which begs me to ask, why are so many people deluded into believing in psychic powers, etc? It is due to an evolutionary byproduct... We tend to try to recognize patterns to survive... if we do this, that tends to happen; based on that info, do we do this or not do this to reflect the result we want? In a test, scientists gave a bird food whenever it turned to look over its left shoulder. After doing so several times, eventually the bird continues to look over its left shoulder despite getting no food. Of course, this is unlike the savannas we used to be in, there were no scientists testing the fallacies of our logic in 1 gazillion BC. However, it demonstrated how our logic is by its core, flawed. We were not evolved to be intellectuals We were evolved to survive and do what is required to survive. Just like the sex drive, the gullibility to see patterns when there isn't any still affects us today.

Ironically, that's insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
We are scared of NUMBERS. Number 13 is bad, number 7 is good; number 8 is lucky in other countries. Do numbers (which we made up) have powers that change depending on your geography to reflect 8 as lucky in China but 7 as lucky in America? Why do we believe in lucky underwear? Do we really think that wearing a necklace will 'ward of bad luck'? Luck doesn't even exist, it is solely an invention of our minds, and illusion of reality.

Which brings me to my next point: It's taboo to question faith. It's ok to ridicule a guy for believing in Thor today because nobody believes in it. It's more acceptable to distrust Mormons because the religion is new. Christianity is old and familiar with a big audience. But why should that any bearing on my respect for people that believe in Christianity? You might as well be worshiping the great juju of the mountain. In fact, it probably makes sense that I'd have more distaste for the bible because it fools to many people. But somehow, FAITH is a GOOD thing, especially in COMMON RELIGIONS. Faith is gullibility. It is the surrender of reason and logic, giving up everything that makes us different than all other animals. I understand that not everybody has what it takes to analyze things like this, but with all the progress being stymied by religion, and the readiness to be a victim of our ancient, incorrect logic, it irritates me to a very high degree. Humanity cannot move forward when we're believing in space daddies. Humanity cannot move forward when we worship a book calling for slavery, rape, and murder. The sooner we realize that the endless majesty of the universe is well worth learning about, and we quit turning to a burning bush for answers, the faster humanity can improve itself.

The logic we apply to religion and only religion would not be acceptable anywhere else. (Of course, some idiots still play the lottery thinking they will win.) But, most people don't play the lottery because they know it's stupid to. Yet a few will buy tickets, and have 'faith' that they will win. The holy books of religion are so profound, they could not have been written by a human being. Think about how differently we deal with scientific evidence. Isaac Newton invented calculus and discovered the laws of motion in a year. It took 300 years on the part of many amazing scientists to fully add on to his work. Do we call this a work of god? True, Newton was a Christian, but only because everybody was at his place during his time, much like how Lincoln accepted slavery. On the other hand, anybody can improve the bible, scientifically, ethically, spiritually in moments. Clearly this is not the work of an omnipotent being.

Not all religions are created equal. All are ridiculous, but some are more harmful than others. When was the last time you heard a Buddhist bomb a building? Exactly. On the other hand, you have Islamic beliefs. Christianity isn't the worst, but it's one of the worst religions out there. I actually have a friend that is so sexually ashamed, he has never masturbated. And he's 18 going onto 19.

Is religion a mental illness? Possibly. It depends on what you define as 'affects normal life'. I would argue that wasting time every Sunday affects normal life. A mental illness isn't one until it affects your day to day life. The slope is slightly slippery, because then how much effect affects your life? Are some of the other superstitions also mental illnesses? I don't think there's a good way to answer this question. Not all superstitions or even religion, to be specific, affect a person the same way. You can also slightly believe in a bible, or fully believe in it; you can be extremist of moderate.

Lastly, I'd like to mention that breaking the taboos of doubting religion publicly and discussing these issues with believers is the best way to proceed. How else will change occur? If you are religious and reading this, I'd encourage you to start debating with your fellow atheists or people from other religions. You are proud of your god; show it. Don't be afraid to defend your god and why you believe in your god. Not doing so is cowardly. Do not duck under the guise of 'being insulted'. What do you have to be insulted about, exactly?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Are We Arguing Yet?

I'm not going to list personal examples, so I hope the following is enough to explain...
When people say 'I argue", I am really "discussing". When people see "angry", I see "passionate". When people say "he always wants to be right", I think "I want to get my opinions out there". 99% of the time I am fine with people disagreeing with me. The 1% include issues like it's not ok to murder people. Otherwise, for the rest of the 99%, if everybody agreed with me, the world would be a very boring place.

Let's start with discussing. Over the internet, there is no facial expressions or tone of speech. My idea is, it's not an argument until somebody starts inserting attitude and profanity. There have been times when people thought I was arguing with them, then acted accordingly, which leads me to my next item of discussion...

...Passion. When I go around and I make long-ass posts that the majority don't even bother to read ( more like 99% ), I do it because it matters to me. Why do I feel, why do I post, why do I care? This needs to be conveyed in a proper debate.

Do I like being right? Everybody does. I like my ideas validated. But I'm not always right. Unless I stick my ideas out there, I'll never get feedback or confirmation that I am indeed correct. If I'm wrong, I learn something. I never say you have to agree with me, I'm just putting it out there for you to think about. There is no 'ego' involved.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Nudity is the WORST!

An article HERE shows how a game with sex is removed promptly from Steam.

"We submitted the game on Thursday, when Steam Greenlight launched," explained Miriam Bellard, co-founder No Reply Games, "but they took it down almost straight away. Many people still view games as 'for children' in spite of the fact that
the average gamer is 30 years old. The gaming establishment is fine with violence and gore but is uncomfortable with sexual themes."

Sounds true to me. I just don't understand what's going through people's heads. We can dismember people's head and watch them bleed from where there head once was, and get a M rating. Have a non-violent game with sex, then it's Adults Only. Pathetic.

"I think it's traditionally a religious mentality, that is that sex is more crude than violence. More fundamental Christians have always demonized sex, but have not historically been that way about violence. They were always okay with burning and stoning heretics. Even though things aren't like this anymore (at least in western culture), that view that sex is dirty, improper or vile has still carried over to the modern day. When you think about it, it really is a bizarre stance. How could it be that a nipple is more offensive? How is it that something we all inherently do or desire be so frowned upon? Something that is fairly harmless too, especially when consensual! We live in really strange society."

I guess my question is why the human body without clothes on is deemed as offensive. What exactly is so mature about the human form that warrant AO rating?

Friday, August 31, 2012

Terrorists Instill Terror. Fun Fact.

Mom takes airplane home Sept 10-11th. We finally figured out why ticket prices are so low that day: Sept 11th. People are so retarded, eating Mcdonalds is riskier for your well being than terrorists, but airlines have to lower prices and planes are not even being filled. Terrorists want to instill terror, and if everybody is so paranoid about this crap that means they've won.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Taste > Your Taste!

Here's why boy bands like One Direction and people like Justin Bieber get hated on. When it comes to music, males and females are a little different. That's to be expected because our brains work differently. When is the last time you heard a guy proclaiming their love for Taylor Swift (her music, not her body)? There isn't anything wrong with loving a band to death. However, if girls start loving boy bands because the guys are cute and hip and new, not because their music is good, that's bad. I don't care about the physical looks or the personality of the people singing. They can be half mutilated for all I care. I just need to like their music. I'm not encouraging people to HATE on One Direction, I personally find it dumb to hate on bands. People's tastes differ. (How would you feel if a person comes up and says your taste in music is CRAP?) But for the sake of sanity, girls, please stop going ga-ga over one boy band after the other.

My opinion on Bieber: I dislike his music. When your lyrics is 50% "Oh Baby", it annoys me. But if you like it, live and let live.

My opinion on One Direction: It's meh. It's ok.

My opinion on Nicki Minaj: Her lyrics are trash... egotistical and often about drugs or sex or some shit. But if you like it, live and let live.

Just don't come up to me and say classical music, music without lyrics, game music, or Coldplay is CRAP and feel the need to walk up to me and notify me of your superior taste in music.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mad Billionare

Person: You know what Eric, pretty girls have it pretty hard, too.

Eric: ...Uhh, how?

Person: We intimidate most guys and we're left with only a few guys that chase after us, and some girls end up with crappy guys.

Eric: That's like a billionaire complaining he is rich and all girls want him for his money. Here's a thought. How about the pretty girls grow up and ask some 'intimidated' guys out? I'm pretty sure you girls are quite capable of seeing who would make a retarded boyfriend. You act like shit just happens to you and you're helpless. Wake up, and realize you can CHANGE SHIT if you GROW A PAIR. God gave you looks and you complain. You don't deserve those looks, sister.*

*I may not have said those actual words but that was what I was thinking.

Monday, August 20, 2012

How DARE You Call Me Pretty!


The following messages will include a brutally, almost offensively honest truckload of truth.

Guys = cannot objectify women
Girls = Can talk about all the dirty things they want to do to David Beckham.

You know why females are trained to look nice? Because evolutionary it gets you a mate. That's the way it has been for countless years and continues to be a factor today. But how DARE guys find some females attractive! THEY MUST BE PIGS! That must mean you have sex with pigs then. Ew. So you walk out the door after putting up makeup and wearing those really hot short shorts for what? You come home to meet your loved one... in sweatpants. Face it. You want to look pretty. Consciously or not, you do it because you want the attention.

We live in an age, folks, where women wear shorter shorts than all the shorts made in history of mankind. Females are wearing tons of cleavage, and some of them are saying that it should have absolutely NO effect on anyone. That is quite retarded. God DAMN the guy that faps to a picture of a girl looking coyly at the camera with a truckload of cleavage on display! YOU ARE BEING A HYPOCRITE, SISTER.

In ye' olden days of the caveman and cavewoman, having a sub-par man rape a female is disaster; the female risks death... all for a man that has sub-par genes and may ditch her. This is why females subconsciously are wary of sub-par men giving sexual attention to them. But in order to attract the ideal man, she needs to look beautiful. It was the men that risked their lives to prove their awesomeness, and after that, having women like him is a good thing. Although, contrary to popular belief, we live in 2012 now. You're not really going to die if you have a baby. If a man makes sexually-suggestive comments, the guy is will be cited.

So back to the girl living in 2012 that wears the hot clothing outside. The girl wants the attention. Then they rationalize their wariness by saying men objectify women and are horrible. You know what, guys are human beings to. It's just, many of us are cool with it. So once again to the group of 'feminists' saying men have it all, YOU. SUCK. BALLS.

EVERYBODY JUDGES PEOPLE. EVERYBODY. If I wear the shitty shoes and the not-so-cool shirts and I have a pizza-face type of acne over, trust me, girls, you'd subconsciously (or even consciously, that's fine too) decide you don't really want to get to know me. They say a female judges a man based on the shoes that he wears. That sounds superficial. Because it is. In the cave-dwelling ages, you think the guys and girls have time to chat and socialize with every female and male to figure out which one had the best collective personality? NO, man. NO. A guy sees a very cute looking girl, and is intrigued and walks over to get to know her. THAT'S how it works.

You know why females earn less than males? Because the studies account for average wages. Men are wired to tolerate more risk. This means more fail like idiots trying to start a business, and a select few actually succeed. THAT'S WHY. Nobody is discriminating you. Hell, I know a few guys that WORSHIP females. Women that have no children have higher wages than men. Having a child is YOUR CHOICE, unless you were raped. Unless the average working-female who has a child got raped, something is clearly wrong here. Some feminists are all for 'independence from men and having to have children'. Well, guess what? Given time, a lot of you WANT men, a lot of you WANT children. Way to fight for nothing. Men are statistically more likely to take more risks, meaning more possible gain; they also statistically accept working further from home, more dangerous jobs, etc. (The dangerous jobs going back to risk tolerating.) THAT is why men make more money.

The feminists arguing and bickering and bitching over how UNFAIR life is are really the bane of society. How are we going to move forward with this crap?

...But you know what? MEN like WOMEN. MEN are sexually attracted to WOMEN. WOMEN like MEN. WOMEN are sexually attracted to MEN. (Not counting gays)

It's a funny thing, really. The video shows a tale of two female businesswomen in their 50's. They remember when they visited Italy the men were all coo-coo for them, and they were pissed off. Come age 50, they go back, they are STILL pissed. Because men didn't give two hoots about them.

I'd make my day if you watch the video. It's highly educational, but most importantly, it is a HOLY-MOTHER-OF-GOD-SHINING-BEACON-OF-TRUTH.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Money for Game Money; Conforming

New rant! OH BOY!

"Later on he goes on to explain why humans are willing to spend real-world money on virtual items: they pay to win, whether it's a payment in time or in currency. Some people are "rich" in time where others are "rich" in currency. Anyone who spends more time will also have the skills to back it up, but anyone paying for gear -- which is heavily tied to the hero's abilities -- is
 seemingly no different than a golfer purchasing a nice set of clubs.

"A thousand dollars for a good set of golf clubs gives you the ability to play the game of golf better than someone of equal skill playing with a $10 garage sale set," he writes. "It doesn't automatically make you good, but it helps you get there. And if you love that game, then by all means play your best."

"What people don't realize is that currencies are only a numerical representation of value," he adds. "As soon as there is a collective demand for goods, both virtual and 'real' value is created. Humans developed currencies to represent this value in a tangible way, and to make the exchange of these goods more liquid. When there is collective demand from real people for an item within a game market, the same value is created as anything else in the world, and you can put a number on it. That number can be different depending on the currency you are using to represent the value.""

OMG NO ERIC BUT I'D NEVER SPEND CASH ON A FUCKING GAME! Bro. If time is money, you've just spent your bank's worth. Can I say life is time? You're spending your life grinding away, not having fun in the game to win.

Please don't judge people so quickly.

Side note and slightly related:
For those of you that look down upon those that spend time and effort to look well: I consider it as something that must be worked at to be achieved. Just like studying makes a good student, working out and eating right makes a better looking person. They have different priorities, that's all. Don't look down at every person that doesn't go to college; how is the world going to function if everybody went to Harvard? They just have DIFFERENT PRIORITIES. And that's fine. That's their life.

Whether you like it or not, you ARE influenced by society. Society tells you showering once a day is desirable. Society tells you eating this is good, eating that is disgusting. In other parts of the world, having eggs for breakfast is as disgusting as it gets. Numerous psychological studies back this up; you ARE influenced by society. Don't try to be a "rebel" by saying you don't conform at all, whatsoever, because that makes you a liar. Society tells you what to wear, how to act. In most cases, that's a GOOD thing. Where do you think your standards come from? It's passed down. I call it learning.

Runescape: Shameful Pleasure?

Why are people so scared of me referring them on Facebook about Runescape? Is the act of playing this video game and not that so shameful? On a similar note, I wouldn't feel any shame if I believed in this religion and not that. Back when I played Runescape, I have no problem telling people I do. People who will judge me and dislike me because of a game I play to waste time are people I don't want to spend time to talk to, anyways. Who the fuck are you to tell me what is acceptable and not acceptable to do in my spare time, anyways?

So, let's all use our heads and think about this before we discriminate somebody for playing Runescape the next time. This is really, really sad.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Rectangles FTW!

Apple is suing Samsung because the shape of their phones are rectangles. Tell me what is wrong with that picture. Apple also patented the shape of a wedge-shaped laptop. Maybe Apple should sue all? Apple doesn't invent anything ground up, Apple takes ideas others used and make it better, then patent the living crap from it. (Then charges you a funny price for it, if we're talking about Macs). Apple makes big margins, so why are they doing frivolous lawsuits and stifling competition by suing people over rectangles? When companies have a conflict, they work together to get problems resolved, for the sake of the industry, to new products can be made to raise the level of technology. One company has failed to do this over and over again, starting lawsuits. And that is Apple. UPDATE: Apple wins, then wants to sue Samsung for THREE BILLION dollars. In response to backlash, Samsung recorded the strongest sale so far.


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Not My Door to Open

Today I was walking to a college. Both a girl and I happened to walk through a door. Since she was closer, I waited for her to open the door. She stood at the door, looked at me, and I just looked at her. Then, she asked me if I was going to open the door for her, since it's the gentleman thing to do.

Jesus Christ, what are you, 5? You don't know how to open doors? Why are you asking me? You're closer, you open the door. So I said, "You were closer, so you should open the door." Then the thought comes flying back to me. Why should a man open a door for a woman? Is she not physically capable of performing such a basic task? Do not try to justify gender equality when a female can't stand to open a door. Don't be all poo-poo and sad. If you want gender equality, quit crying about all the 'gentleman' thingies I'm supposed to do. Don't YOU want to be a gentlewoman?

If you're all for destroying old gender roles, why should a guy always ask a girl out? If you're all about female empowerment, why are you so scared of risk you sit there and pray the guy will approach you? There's something pretty hypocritical about this if you ask me.

Sure, you should do things because it's a nice thing to do. But she was closer to the door. Standing at the door and asking me to open the door because I'm a guy is pretty sexist.

I'm not 100% into the whole super duper Feminist movement thing. Granted, females deserve the same opportunities men have. But what I'm starting to find out is that all the bickering about men making more is in fact, women wanting to work less hours to go home and take care of the kids. So you're fighting all these years to be out, pushing all these reforms for women in the workplace, then you're sort of killing the point by running back home to take care of Timmy the Baby. I understand, progress has been made, not all females are like this. I just don't see why a small group of ladies decide to say they are the victim of everything, that they are getting discriminated left and right. Darling, you work in the tech industry, and you'll become the baby everyone loves.

Before I get hate mail, I'm not saying all girls are babies that can't open doors. I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying, a small group of females are like this. I'm also saying, it irks me that in this day and age women expect men to be gentlemen and open doors and ask them out. Whaaaaaat?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Circumcision is Mutilation

Is it just me, or is forced circumcision really just child abuse? Why do you have to mutilate what god gave you? If your son wants circumcision when they're 18, fuck, they can go pay for their OWN circumcision and have it done on THEIR time. But choosing for a baby whether to cut off sensitive tissue should be illegal. But NO. We're going to cut a chunk of skin off of your penis because we can and its what your parents did to you. No painkillers given to the baby; it's not safe to drug a newborn. SO YOU CUT IT AND CLIP IT OFF AND YANK IT OFF WHILE THE BABY IS BLEEDING OUT THE GODDAMN PENIS.

"Circumcision. If I'm talking about female circumcision in the Western world, I'll rightly be met with gasps of horror. How could people think about cutting off the clitoris and labia of a healthy girl? If I'm talking about male circumcision, people react far more calmly, as if they're being offered full milk or half and half, as if the difference were purely cosmetic. "For some reason if you clip off a female's clitoris, it's quite illegal, but if you clip off the skin of a guy's penis, it's pretty damned acceptable.

No, a baby won't rememer isn't an excuse. Because first, they do, for quite a while. This has been documented. The penis is sensitive. If you rip stuff off without painkillers, it will be traumatic. They get nightmares. Also, 'they won't remember' isn't an arguement. How about you cut a baby with knives, slap and kick them, because they won't remember? I'd like to think society has moved past this and can do common sense.Seriously now. Guys, how would you feel if I yank shit out of your penis? I know I'd be scared shitless.

If having a foreskin increases the chance of UTI (Mind you, males already have a very low chance vs females, and for males it really only occurs when the guy doesn't clean himself for a century), and we're all about preventing every FUCKING little thing, let's just do gastric bypass to every man, woman, and child to prevent heart problems!

Foreskin is not a privilege; it is a BIRTH RIGHT.

While it IS legal to harm your future child's penis and potential sexual enjoyment, it is not MORALLY acceptable to do so. Don't chuck in your religion bullshit, either. Just because Jews do it doesn't make it ok. You know what? Criminals have been killing people for a long time. That doesn't make killing ok. You know that the Jew culture also has people sucking blood from the male's penis, right? You can believe whatever you want; but once you start inflicting physical harm  in the name of your religion, I draw the line there. And sucking blood from a penis is just disgusting. Did I just critisize their culture? You betcha'. Before you gasp in shock, you know what I'm saying makes sense. So don't judge me or label me. I'm not Hitler the 5th.

Circumcision means less work cleaning your body? WHAT? Bro. How about I cut off your head so you don't have to wash your hair? How about I cut off your boobs so there's less surface area to clean? If I can clean the rest of my body, I'm quite capable of cleaning foreskin, thank you very much.

Who even suggested circumcision? A gazillion years ago. But who came up with the idea that, oh, we're going to lump off part of the nerve endings of the penis and be all fucking righteous about it? How can you look yourself in the mirror each morning and agree with FORCED REMOVAL of BODY PARTS from a SEXUAL AREA on a HELPLESS BABY???

Some women argue that a circumcised penis looks better. 1) They're retards, go find a non-idiotic woman 2) Do they have like a... dried glans penis fettish? 3) If you're [b]THAT[/b] desperate to get girls, you've got problems. Americans just are not happy with the way they look. Get a boob job. Get a penis job. It's saddening. There's not a single major medical journal that recommends circumcision. It is a relic of the past, like religion, only much worse. Some people think that the foreskin is good because it can be used to treat burn victims. Well, here's what happens: 1) Most are thrown out 2) Used for cosmetic companies that can find alternative to foreskin 3) Used for burn victims without consent. But are we in a shortage of skin grafts? ........................No. We'll just peel it off dead people. Or pigs.

There is the function of the foreskin; it keeps the glans moist and lubricated. Without it, the glans becomes dried out, sort of like a rock. Rocks don't generate good vibrations, if you know what I mean. The rolling back and forth motion the foreskin provides is great... because that's the way nature intended it. [b]In fact, there are even condoms... "ripped for her pleasure" to simulate the foreskin, I got a better idea. Don't cut it off in the first place!!![/b] Oh yaeh, and the nerves in the foreskin are jammed packed; it's also folded, so it's longer than it looks. It retracts when aroused for more comfort. Without foreskin, masturbating as a guy would be more difficult. Which was the precise point in the 1800s; masturbation was seen as bad, and people tried to prevent that by vouching for circumcision.  Oh yeah, and cutting off skin literally makes your penis shorter. Just saying.

I'd like to stress the fact that once you do circumcision, you can't really un-do it. If you don't do it, you can do it whenever you feel like. This time with enough anesthesia, preferably.

By the way, circumcision leaves ugly scars. I'd be slightly self concious in the bedroom if my penis has a gigantic brown V mark from being sliced up.
So I guess my question here is, why is this legal? Why is it not hailed as immoral? And, if YOU have a male baby, will you choose circumcision for your son?
If the first rule of medicine is to do no harm, I'm pretty sure circumcision is a harmful thing. I'm also pretty sure doctors want to do it because it's an extra procedure for more profits. Circumcision is fucking bad, and bad for fucking.

Progress of Circumcision
Circumcision must be done for god -> Masturbation is wrong so cut off the foreskin to decrease pleasure -> Circumcision suddenly prevents disease (debatable, but must be unanimously accepted to warrant mutilation; even then, there's this thing called a condom...) -> Circumcision must be done for conformity because all the other guys have it done. -> Some people in other countries see through the bullshit, and like the non-metric system, USA is left behind, religious, self-righteous, and more stupid than ever.

Closing statement: If you HEAR the SCREAMS of the babies getting their fused foreskin clipped off, you will never want to do that for your kid, even if it was beneficial. I've watched a live dissection of a dead human being. This is just as bad. (Only the baby is alive and innocent, making this seem much more wrong.)

Jesus facepalm.

Reader comments:

"Oh god, you're not even good at this. It's natural looking, idiot. LOL That's like if everyone were cute off their pinky toes (They are useless) and we all got used to having 4 toes and then decided that 5 toes was "Weird" and "Ugly" It's fucking stupid and anyone with a working brain would know that. Circumcision is stupid and causes reduced sensitivity. And your new "Smoothness" reduces pleasure for the female as well. Meaning that If I fucked your girl, she'd enjoy it more. That's a fact."

"LOL. OK, all the things you mentioned are none beneficial. Having a PROTECTIVE BARRIER around the head of your dick, which provides more pleasure for both you AND your partner, is very, very beneficial. Keep supporting the reduction of sexual pleasure (Not to mention free will to choose whether you want it or not) for aesthetics. Go clean my smegma? LMAO! Yeah, god forbid I have to shower for 15 seconds longer than you, SO MUCH TIME WASTED! I could spend that time time NOT fully enjoying sex!"

Nathan: yeah i know, im just saying it does have 'some' purpose, even if so small. kind of like if parents did some procedure to cut off a part of your head, forcing you to be bald for life. little less to clean but still lol

"I myself could never convince myself to attend such a barbaric ceremony (which is hard living in Israel when every infant has it), and everywhere I just saw my mind....walls with blood...couldn't get in 100 meter radius to such places. Everybody is celebrating blood, pain and mutilation."

You guys are not NAIVE enough to think circumcision is a quick "cut and fix", right? Because it isn't quick, painless, bloodless, nor a fix. You're not stupid enough to make assumptions like this, right? Good, because I CBA to defriend people.

"Also "regular non-extremic" Jewdaism of "male circumcision" is more powerful in Europe/USA that extremic Islam of female circumcision.Also we as a modern culture were tought to care only for female sexual pleasure/orgasm, and care less about male one, as "male will have such anyway".

If that's true, that's again, quite sad. There are so many double standards for males and females. People people try to victimize females, saying they have all the shit coming while being a man is so easy. Since orgasms are the best feeling in the world and we are designed to want them over almost anything else;

(Our brain partly shuts off during it; a test of rats showed they'd rather get stimulation than fufil basic needs (eating, drinking water), so they end up dying);

I find it EXTREMELY cruel and unusual to deprive one of that in any way shape or form, or diminish the feeling.

I'm unique in that I'm not that attached to people. So if my parents did that to me, especially when I'm 12 and I already voiced my opinion on this matter, I would literally leave my home and pretend I don't know them. Because I refuse to be part of a family that allows mutilation, and I really don't give two fucks whether religion or any other reason for that matter, convinced them to do it. Something at their core isn't right. No excuses. There is always a choice and they made it. So. Fuck. Them.

"But that's in Israel....can't understand at all parents that do it in other countries. Those have really no reason to do so. Lack of health or any other benefits where proven long time ago, and the sexual, psychololical and ethical damage is clear. Though indeed it probably makes penis less sensitive and allows men to have the sexual act longer with more chances of pleasing a woman."

Hell yeah. I don't really hear people making fun of uncircumcised penises in USA. There is the idea that making the penis less sensitive allows men to please the woman better;Not saying I'm an expert in this field since I'm still a virgin and I plan to be until the right one comes along;
But there are more ways to please a woman than using your penis. Females very rarely get a vaginal orgasm, anyways, it's all clitoral stimulation. Because, let's be honest: women are capable of experiencing more pleasure than a male in the bedroom, and it's not like extra foreskin = instant-cum and an unsatisfied partner.
But as a guy all you have is the prostate and the penis. And for most, just the penis. And I would go insane if that is diminished.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Selective Service: Selective Sexism

Males are required to sign up for selective service in case of a draft, but females are not? What kind of sexist crap is this? Females want gender equality? This is a good place to start. It's ok to make fun of a man on TV about his weight. Do that for a girl and IT'S ON! Girls can hit on guys on the news, but if a guy does that, he bet his ass he'll get sued for sexual harassment. Sure, there has not been a draft in a long while; but if there is one later, don't be complaining at home about how unfair life is when the guys are out there, dead. I'm not saying men have it harder than women. I'm just saying, for the few of you out there STILL complaining, life isn't ponies and rainbows for the rest of us. Let's just call it 50-50 for this one, ok? 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Porn is Good

This is a response to comments HERE where the talk was about a mother searching up their teenage son's laptop and finding porn. The teen is 18.

Human beings are sexual beings. It is through evolution that we have come to desire for sex.

So you make the argument that porn is degrading to women? Why is it degrading to women that a female and a male have sex? Shouldn't it also be degrading to males? If both at 18 or over, what is the problem here? Even if it's a rape video, that's their business. (Mind I add, you yourself probably have a fetish, but due to social stigmas, you won't allow yourself to think about it.)

Addiction? When the hell was the last time you heard of a teenager addicted to porn? Now, when was the last time you heard of a teenager addicted to World of Warcraft? Then by that logic, we should ban WoW. You can get addicted to almost anything in life. This doesn't mean we should be sheltered from EVERYTHING. So you put up the argument that 'just because they're gonna watch anyways doesn't mean you shouldn't ban it'. So, if everyone is going to watch it, and it's as addictive and as horrible as you say it is (and you probably watch it anyways, you hypocrite...), why is it that I'm not seeing sex freaks at high school? That's right, you don't have an answer. Sir, do you EVEN KNOW what true addiction is? Have you been addicted, truly addicted to something? Then WHY THE FUCK are you slinging around the word 'addiction' around so carelessly? Better shut your mouth before you say something else embarrassing.

How will the teenager handle having sex for the first time if he never watched porn? Lol. 

Newsflash: He's 18. He's been watching porn for 5 years or so. If you're even a half decent parent, you know that your son isn't out part-aying and having sex with random ladies. If that's the case, that means five years of this stuff and he's still fine. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM HERE?! Do you not have better things in his life to micromanage? Or do you just LOVE snooping around his laptop? I bet you read his emails too. What a violation of trust and privacy. If he's not wanking off, he's either going to explode, or have real life sex, possibly with random people. Would you prefer that? Well, I hope so, but with your level of logic, I'm starting to get scared here about your answer.

If your son/daughter is too stupid to realize that porn does not always equate to how real life sex will be like, he'll probably end up killing themselves one day, because he is THAT STUPID. And thankfully, I do not know anyone that fits into that category.

And yes, the teens will do it anyways, whether you allow it or not. Making it forbidden almost adds to the excitement. Almost all guys and girls masturbate in their teenage years, it's natural. I consider watching porn as merely an extension of their arsenal of, shall we say, pleasure. Take away the porn, and they'll find some other way or procuring porn (and they will), or they will use their imagination. And let's just say, they have vivid imaginations.

I have a friend that to this day (he is 18), does not watch porn nor know what an orgasm is. Do you want this to be your kid? He who is so sheltered, he doesn't understand basic human reproduction? Imagine if he was your kid. Very soon he will live on his own. How is he going to make rational and informed decisions about sex if he hasn't even seen it?

We live in a society that is like the Puritans when it comes to sex for teenagers. We can see a guy's leg get blown off, but if a guy sees a female body, OH MY GOD, WE MUST AVOID THAT AT ALL COST. Tell me, does that make any sense at all? And how well is this society working, by the way? We want to censor all sexual content. Tell me, how well is it working for the teenagers? Are we getting 0% sex talk and unwanted pregnancies? Quit being so stubborn and locked in the your way of thinking. Stop for a second and question what everyone seem to believe is true, ok?

Parents, stop tossing around lame-ass excuses as to why porn is bad, evil, taboo, when you yourself probably watched it as a teenager.

This ranks as one of the dumbest commonly held beliefs by parents that I know of.